Greetings all!

For some time now I have wanted to make this site more accessible and hopefully enjoyable to those with low vision. I know there are screen readers and such available to help those who cope with less than perfect vision, but I thought I could do a bit more to make your viewing experience a bit more enjoyable.

Therefore, I am instituting a policy where posts on will now have mp3 audio versions of its content posted along with the content itself. It will take some time to add audio to the existing posts on the site, but I am expecting all new posts to have both the text and the mp3 audio available at the time of posting.

If you should be using a screen reader and experience any difficulty in retrieving the audio content of this site, please use the “Contact Us” menu across the top of the blog to let us know (click here for email form) . We welcome such comments and will do our best to accommodate your needs on this site.